terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Judge Grammarian

Stories of Paraná - Judge Grammarian

Judge Grammarian
Oney Barbosa Borba

The bachelor Bahia José Nunes de Sá was, for some time, law judge of the District of Castro.
Its judiciary possessed special feature.
In the orders and jutted his concern grammatical sentences.
In his time as a judge was not used machine.
The processes were written manually. The handwriting of the judge was Graúda, easy to read.
He wrote rounding commas, distinguishing with proper slope accent and even making whim that ripple useful.
Sa Nunes broke early career in the judiciary. Not fit for the office.
Their sentences were meaningless, mechanical, lifeless.

Gotten the job only with the degree "Bachelor of the North" and was nominated for one of the counties state cooler. The gain was little and he decided to teach Portuguese at home.
In winter, lower in costumes, involved himself in a blanket and so presented itself to his private students and staff received justice.
The opportunity to improve their lives came with the publication of tender notices for filling the chair of the former Portuguese Gym Paranaense in Curitiba. Nunes Sá signed up and competed with two other celebrities linguistic land: Father Euripides Olympian de Oliveira e Souza, mulatto lapeano with extensive general culture and Speaker Emeritus and Professor Fernando Moreira, self-taught and educator born.
The contest had a great impact. The examining board was totally confused.
The three candidates were giants in the field.
How to decide? Opted out tangent: owning securities ... (Old moldy feature of ordinances of the realm) ...
In fact, the bachelor Sa Nunes was a great connoisseur of Portuguese.
After the contest, Dr. Sa Nunes settled in Curitiba, leaving aside the judiciary to be the lens Portuguese Gymnásio Paranaense, how to spell then.
Former students who did not attend their tutoring were penalized on the evidence of the gym.
Openly claimed that the lens Bahia was petty and persecutor.
Later, Sa Nunes moved to Rio, where the College prelecionou Portuguese Pedro II. And in the ancient capital died.
The concern with grammar and lack of balance in the good sense to judge tied the style Nunes de Sá.
Chosen by chance the records inventory of the property left by Mariana da Luz, in the office of the civil district of Castro, the process in 1920. Ali, the leaves five Sat Nunes is in good handwriting dispatching: "One goes writ of summons, as provided by law, the heirs to be cited in their residence for at the hearing on the 14th of this month, saying the statements about and to praise in an arbitrator to evaluate and a divider to make the distribution of the assets of the episode of the deceased.
Castro, 7-VII-1920. Sa Nunes ".
In just eight handwritten lines, the following are the "to-to", a sequence enfadonhada Judge philologist.

Oney Barbosa Borba, writer

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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