quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Hunting evaders

Stories of Paraná - Hunting evaders

Hunting evaders
Durval Weber

When Getúlio Vargas, in the 30s, was seeking in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná Manoel Ribas,
Born in Ponta Grossa, one could imagine that this was an economic strategist who eventually recovering the finances of Paraná that were in chaos.
The confirmation of this fact came from the dear neighbor apartment Capri Set in Guaratuba, D. Geni, wife of Des. Eduardo Xavier da Veiga.
She told us that those gone, the state did not pay its employees and accounts for 18 months and for the support his home was forced to sew dresses and other outfits in Pirai do Sul, where her husband was a judge.
Taxes in those times were few, today we have more than 60 types that penalize all Brazilians honest,
and enrich the corrupt (those that God "help" win the lottery 56 times in a year).

At the end of the fiscal year came to launch tax Industries and Professions, and who sold our famous and miraculous drips paid the tax net Spirits.
If taxes were few public officials were many gravitating to public offices dubbed "puleiros".
In this context, assumes the Manoel Ribas.
First thing I did was remove the "puleiros" giving uncertain in offices and even sending people to jail,
hence its nickname Maneco Machete.
Then nursed form a good advice and tried to increase revenue.
For his "Senate", Ribas appointed three respectable men: Epaminondas Santos, the first manufacturer of tableware Campo Largo; Roberto Glaeser, farmer in Campos Gerais, and industrial Pontagrossense Albari Guimarães.
The tax in vogue in those days was the Consumption Tax, which was to seal up matchstick, drinks, etc..
If by chance came off a seal, there came the fiscal and fined mercilessly, not taking into account that the seal desgrudara. The "Senate", following the routine, created the seal to economic readjustments.
But Mr. Epaminondas pondered: - And the stock, your Maneco? Was created and then seal the stock.
The Printer Paranaense worked 24 hours a day in order to meet the requirements that were accumulating in the Treasury Department.
Your Maneco realized he was being fooled by tax evaders, met the "Senate" and there came new decree,
collecting all the stamps that were given as to the stock.
Was a stir in the whole Paraná, those who received stamps to stock non-existent (future) paid with his head down.
It was that or go to jail as tax evaders.
By doing so Manoel Ribas regularized state finances, ensaibrou road Curitiba-Ponta Grossa, made the road Heartwood, etc..
He was a man of little dialogue, but ... facing a street boy turned his face, with an expression of affection and tenderness.
His works are there assists - House Small Newsboy, School of Fishermen Guaratuba, Agricultural Schools Palm, Ponta Grossa and Castro, and many others.
I am convinced that if we had men this season, the thieves would not have fled,
or arranged a thousand lies to evade chain.

Durval Weber, a retired industrial in Campo Largo

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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