domingo, 2 de março de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Towards Barbalha

Stories of Paraná - Towards Barbalha

Towards Barbalha
Fatima Mirian Bortot

The journalist Edgar Luiz de Andrade, in an article in the newspaper "The Quibbler" (first and best phase), speaks of Ceara.
Like him, itinerant beings, concluding that verified the existence of intelligent life on the moon (it was the time of the project support), among the inhabitants would inevitably at least one of Ceará.
Exaggeration aside, justifiable in the case to illustrate the strong presence of the brave people of Ceará in all corners of the world, the game serves to illustrate an episode not so far occurred in Pato Branco.
Region of origin clearly Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, the participation and presence of Northeastern are almost zero.
Unlike other migratory cycles, there in the Southwest, as taught by Professor Ruy Wachowicz, in his book "Paraná, Southwest - Occupation and Colonization", "excluding the populations of the three southern states, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do South - the presence of elements coming from other states, is almost negligible. " By analyzing data from the period 1900-1975,
Wachoviz shows that, of the total 97,786 spouses, "was recorded in the whole period the presence of Paraná 30,651, accounting for 31.4%; catarinenses 24,283, representing 24.8% , gauchos 41,901, representing 42.9% of the total. "
Go hence the understandable dismay that surrounded the visit of a distinguished stranger to the city.
Outgoing, loud, remembering a dizzying bellbird, the strange visitor was not long in Pato Branco, starting with the family - the contained was lost when returning from Foz do Iguacu to invent a script alternative holiday to enjoy the last days of vacation .
In Clover Taísa along the road, our good Ceará braked the big car and enjoying the presence of a guard of State Traffic Police, wondered, incisive tone:
- Bixim can inform me to output Barbalha?
Thousands of miles of Ceará, not counting the route from Fortaleza to that little country town, the poor guard was actually put in check.
The "output Barbalha" famous, past the amazement.
Difficult to know to leaning on a very current Quatro Rodas.

Fatima Mirian Bortot, journalist

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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