sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Nho Cipra

Stories of Paraná - Nho Cipra

Nho Cipra
Valdevino Lopes

The District Uvaia, about thirty miles from the town of Ponta Grossa, already had its glory days.
It was around the '20s, a time when it was still called Uvaia Shells and had an economy firmly grounded
in planting oranges, making smoking in strings (the best "yellowing" of the entire region) and livestock.
The seat shells not much different from the others scattered throughout our Paraná, three hundred acres of productive land, a small church in the center with countless homes around, built of mud and wattle-and-daub, covered with tiles gouges.
Among the villas, one stood out: it was the mansion Cypriano Gomes da Silveira, born citizen in the district and had a whole life dedicated to the population that lives there.
Friend of all the besiegers became godfather to more than half of the children born there.
The prestige of Cypriano further increased among countrymen when, thanks to important friendships with political capital and local progress, achieved high political and administra-tive shells of simple Autonomous District to District.

Was equivalent to a kind of city in our day, with the mayor and all.
Cypriano was elected as the first mayor of easy Conchas.
Breaking, also won reverencioso treatment of "Colonel" Colonel Cypriano Gomes da Silveira.
His administration was two terms, a total of eight years.
In that time, he created several schools, roads opened the interior, increased trade.
Did what he dreamed as a lover of the land of his birth.
Ponta Grossa, in turn, a city with more resources, growing at a pace much faster and attracted with this, the participation of the inhabitants of the region to their industries and commerce, etc.., Making you feel the effects of your progress in Conchas.
Such was his influence that shells ended up losing their autonomy, turning the simple district.
The residents who remained there is contended that Shell's return to addiction political-administrative Ponta Grossa.
With people leaving increasingly, the production of oranges and greatly reducing smoking rope, trade almost to flies, there was no other solution.
But it was not just shells that missed.
With the end of the Independent District, the largest local leadership, Colonel Cypriano Gomes da
Silveira, also lost his honorary title.
Now began to be treated only by "their" Cypriano Gomes da Silveira.
The continued decline of the place. The little economic importance and electoral Conchas, administration of Ponta Grossa responded with indifference by schools and roads.
With little money circulating, trade lived to flies, no one dared to make an improvement.
Shells was already almost a ghost village when "your" Cypriano Gomes da Silveira suffered another blow on your self esteem.
Residents who remained began to call him "Nho" Cipra, allowing him the same treatment they had among themselves. And it was like "Nho" Cipra who died years ago in Ponta Grossa, former Colonel Cypriano, times mayor Conchas, also known as "your" when it began to decline Cypriano.
Life lessons ...

Valdevino Lopes, retired professor in Ponta Grossa

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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