segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Paraná Clube, passion and joy

Stories of Paraná - Paraná Clube, passion and joy

Paraná Clube, passion and joy
Darci Piana

On December 19, 1993, the Paraná Clube completed four years, 1461 days after the meetings that approved the merger, the Paraná Clube is much more than a club or a football team. It is a force, respected throughout Brazil.
But none of the colored and pinheirenses who once dreamed of uniting their fans, their colors and their assets could imagine that the chemical element generated by the fusion was so solid. The process fused red, white and blue showed indestructible
irreversible perennial.
Nobody will ever destroy this myth constructed by the union.
It was not always so.

Earlier, there by mid-1988, there were only a few dreamers gathered around the conference table in an advertising agency. Not that the story of the merger have begun in marketing, but because the advertising colorado Zeno Otto rendered professional services to pinheirense Waldomiro Perini and had the idea to discuss it. The Ernani Buchmann fit guarantee the presence of some Colorados in the first meeting, finally restricted to Dely Macedo and me.
Antonio Pacheco Carlos Mello, Erondy Silverio and Waldomiro Perini represented the
But the idea only took a year and after many meetings.
During lunch at Restaurant Venice, Santa Felicidade, Aramis Tissot, Dely Macedo, Jorge Celestino Buso, Ocimar Bolicenho and I signed a protocol informally, with the bases of the merger; names, colors, symbol, home of football and slogan.
Prosaic that document, written on a paper napkin.
On May 26, 1989, the President Adjalma Polydoro, Colorado, and Mello Pacheco, the Pines, signed a letter of intent which gave the melting process the solemn napkin that had not.
There were spelled the foundations of Paraná Clube, then formalized for their first board, except for the golden eagle as a symbol in time replaced by blue jay.
Ali was also named the Special Committee on Fusion, consisting of Aramis Tissot, Darci Piana, Delu Macedo, Dílson Rossi, Idelanir Ernesti, Jiomar Turin, Jorge Celestino Buso, Luiz Carlos Marioni, Ocimar Bolicenho Octavius ​​Langowski, Raul and Ronaldo Trombini Perretto.
The December 19, 1989, meeting in Vila Capanema and Headquarters Kennedy Avenue, the deliberative Colorado Pines and approve the merger and the birth of Paraná Clube.
One was born with club name and surname strain. Son of Colorado and Pine, is a direct descendant of the Athletic Club Railway, Britain and Italy Lecture Sports Club, on the one hand, and of Savoy, Brazil and Water Sports Club Green another.
Their success is the result of an endless sum of qualities, a main ingredient of the merger.
Or rather, its success is the result of an idea.
Simple, like all great ideas.
But so strong, it would not be too much to think that red, blue and white Paraná Clube already united in the heart of its immense crowd ever.
This is a club predestined.
It's bound to grow even more, to gain fans and championships like no other.
Will be eternally passion and joy of his people.
The Paraná Clube will be added to the end of time.
Or even later.

Darci Piana, manager of Paraná Clube

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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