domingo, 9 de março de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Macucos and socialist

Stories of Paraná - Macucos and socialist

Macucos and socialist
Abilio Alves da Silva

When Maringa was built in the late 40s, the Company Improvements North of the Paraná opened its surroundings, a large network of local roads, which resulted in rapid and great progress for the entire region, known as North Brand new.
People came from all over Brazil, with a lot of money, others with good will and hope in God. The movement in the city was a real "farwest" had all-bullock cart, wagon, knights and even luxury car.
Cia Enhancements left, then towards the northwest, with the goal of opening and colonize an area of ​​100,000 acres on the left bank of the River Ivaí. Earlier, the transposition of the river was made by a passage somewhat improvised, but was soon built a ferry, known as the ferry Kamamoto, which operated until the Ides of 1957/58, when the bridge was built.
This place went pioneer road that led to the first camp ordered built by the Company.
The camp covered an area of ​​15 acres, opened in virgin forest, where was erected the sawmill that provided the wood for the first houses of the town.

This was initially known as "15 acres", but later renamed Cianorte.
It is located in the highlands of Rio Light, River tributary Ivaí, a region of flora and fame of indisputable beauty. And also, some mysteries and many curiosities, such as those involving macuco, a bird of peculiar habits, which lives exclusively in virgin forest and is considered the wild chicken.
Where the sink macuco, it was said, the land is fertile, good for coffee. It is a sound characteristic, but easily imitable precisely because his greatest enemy, the jaguar. By the late afternoon, the jaguar climbed on top of a tree, hiding in antlers, and imitated the hoot of macuco. The bird, believing that it was a companion, flew to the same branch, to spend the night together. Then turned easy dinner of Oz that said, not much delighted with the flesh of the animal, but with its feathers, which are salty.
Stories aside, the truth is that there were many macucos in the region, and the lands were in fact very fertile.
With this, the more the effort of the first inhabitants, Cianorte prospered quickly.
Both that caught the attention of a study commission of the FAO, the UN agency for food and agriculture, who had come to observe the development of the region that produced so many foods.
Experts sought subsidies for other regions of the world, especially in Africa.
In Cianorte had a meeting with the Company's management enhancements and settlers.
Praised everything they saw and inquired what is the secret of progress or miracle.
In response, they heard that the "miracle" was in great willingness to work, and in the observance of some basic rights: the right to property, free enterprise, the right stimulus on income. There is no profit, there is no progress.
This is basic.
It turns out that visitors, almost all French socialists and passionate, expect to hear anything else but that.
Counter-air gumentavam with the advantages of collective production systems, etc. and such. The result was a darn rebu.
If the French socialists learned their lesson and transplanted to Africa is not known.
But here, the lesson left by pioneers who transposed the Rio Ivaí continued providing much progress.
With the good seed planted in fertile soil.

Abilio Alves da Silva, former soldier and pioneer in northern Paraná

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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