quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2014

Stories of Paraná - A Queen Paraná

Stories of Paraná - A Queen Paraná

A queen Paraná
Odmir PC Valsecchi

In January 1954, the very day 6, my family mu-give up the southern state to Londrina.
I was a 18 year old, full of curiosity.
That same night I was introduced to a young man of about 27 who was radioman Post and the Royal Air Transport.
- This is the Abelardo "Flat Head" - I said.
And it was indeed flat head, born in Pernambuco, a young newlywed.
Soon we had a great friendship, which continues today, although we are apart, as he and his family, years later returned to Pernambuco.
In Londrina, Abelardo Ferreira Lopes and owner Geminah Seixas, his wife, had a couple of kids.
As they were members of the Baptist Church, put biblical names in children. The eldest was called Ahasuerus.

Abelardo said that this was the name of one of the most powerful kings of old, and that would more than satisfied by the son came to achieve ten percent of the power of the old monarch. The daughter was recorded as Assyria.
Both were born at the very end of Rua Minas Gerais, today Senator Souza Naves, almost on the corner of Rua Antônio Beloved Bridegroom, in Londrina.
This family, small for models Northeastern, returned to its origins in 1961. Long maintained correspondence until it was stretching and ceased.
Even so, whenever I heard of them through mutual friends.
In a given year, as good Baptists were on a spiritual retreat on a secluded beach of Pernambuco coast to escape the "possessed" Carnival Recife.
Ahasuerus and mother sunbathers on some rocks when a giant wave came and snatched the mother to the sea.
Ahasuerus, as with a lightning, jumped back in an attempt to save the mother who could not swim. The mother managed to save, but Ahasuerus just drowned.
It was in this way, the family reduced to three people.
I believe by religious connections, Assyria ended up marrying an American and so moved to the United States.
Had a daughter and remained married for ten years until, for reasons of the modern world, later divorced.
But why am I telling this story? Although it contains a passage tragic, it's no tragedy, the family until little life is normal.
What is the reason then?
And that Assyria became celebrity overnight.
It is currently wife of King Pelé
The father had so much hope in the child, that fate has claimed in adolescence, without having had the opportunity of ten percent of King Ahasuerus.
But it was Assyria who became queen, with many subjects in this country football.

Odmir Valseccbi PC, Dentist in South Conure

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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