segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

Stories of Paraná - River Mello

Stories of Paraná - River Mello

River Mello
Luiz Neto Romaguera

Nearly a century separates us from the fratricidal days, in the words of Marshal Bormann in "Days fratricidal" experienced by our ancestors during the Federalist Revolution.
Some historians have written on the subject. There are books, not much read, reporting the facts experienced.
Among the stories told tale one.

As the resistance imposed on the Federalist troops in Lapa, ran in Union City news that the Navy Officer Toreli Pio lived there to carry the vapors to Rio Negro, preparing thus the escape of General Piragibe south.
That officer returned to Rio Negro, but his companions, villains disqualified practiced atrocious acts.
Steamed that led across the river Iguazu, were arrested Polish Bernardino Kokrane and Brazilians Fernando Marques, the old octogenarian named Portes, Licinio de Mello and Isidoro José Barbosa, legalists.
The old Portes, Rosebush resident site and considered wealthy man, was proposed rescue his life for ten contos. The prisoner said not having this amount.
Then he said it would be settled, it stoically replied: - "Man is born to die." The knife sicária took action. The old, splashing up, sprinkled with his blood forever conscious of his killers.
Anacleto was the name of the executioner, and, with this, since 48 were its victims.
The other prisoners, seeing that their lives were providing anything in that situation, appealed to Mr. Luiz Joaquim Gomes dos Santos (Nhoca), who was also part of the group, and that good and generous man, he disagreed with the barbarity that had just witnessed .
The next day, the citizen Abel Cain de Souza Lima and filed energetic protest against the miserable crime.
Paid with his own life.
Under these conditions, remembering promised the other prisoners by Nhoca, Farmer, revolutionary leader who was present, put an end to atrocities, put a stop to si-Carians.
These people did not want to protest; accepted only silence or applause francs.
The protests led to suspicions; these the degolas.
Shortly after those crimes and prisoners already delivered, the killers returned aboard ship Potinga when they were intercepted by Lieutenant Francisco Bacelar.
This got the chop steam that drove and pierced breast Anacleto bullet.
Did justice.
Curious what happened with Licinius Mello.
Vineyard Itapetininga to Paraná and to be pursued by the rebels, thought it was the other people they had sought and that the feud.
Said call up to Licinio de Oliveira Dias.
This change occurred in combination with his brothers.
When he came from São Paulo, the crossing of a river that had the name of the river or the Mello Mello, treated each other that, if challenged, that name would not be recognized.
Certainly, terrified by the events, did not hesitate to give the name changed, it ended up using for life, also going to his descendants.
Today, as we remember the Analects of those times, we get to think about how short is our memory and how little we know of our history, even that occurring around our city.

Romaguera Luiz Neto, member of the Historical Geography and Ethnography of Paraná

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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