sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Lives too

Stories of Paraná - Lives too

Too many lives
Almir Aires Arruda

"Oh Quatiguá
Oh! Quatiguá
Are the barn this Paraná ... "
With this song, sung by all the students and the population of the District homenageávamos Quatiguá
when their political-administrative emancipation of the district of Joaquim Tavora and its consequent development as Municipality, on 26 October
As jingoism, I see now. The "barn this Paraná" at the time was the smallest county in the state with only 4,500 acres of area, equivalent to a few 108 km square.
Actually, you best fit the nickname of "City Button", as he was also called as Quatiguá had houses on one side of its central street, the other side belonged to the railroad which ran the train.
Provisionally assumed the office of mayor, appointed by Moses Lupion, the state governor, Mr. Orlando Athaíde Bittencourt, with a mandate until December 1947, when elections would be held for mayor and City Council.
Orderly elections contested by Ernesto Zanini, PSD, and Antonio Rodrigues Filho, UDN supported
PTB and PSP. Won the first, with a minimal difference of votes, even as the electoral college did not meet all the 500 voters. The PSD also did most for the City Council electing five councilors, including the author of these ill-drawn.
It was common after the end of the sessions of the House, we held the evening at the top of the building where the City Hall, we meet the "bar Nogueira" to commenting extra session, the issues pertaining to the agenda.
The elderly and those who lived far from the town retreated, remaining invariably bench PSD and Councilman Nestor Cassemiro Teixeira, UDN, everyone's friend.
One session in April
1948, when drafting the bylaws of the City Council, lasted until the wee hours of the night for the care that was taking in order to not collide with the Organic Law of Municipalities was discussed in the State Legislature.
At the end, we went to pull the stomach in Bar Nogueira. There were six councilors.
The conversation flowed relaxed, when the door was half-closed bar that was open with a crash, a figure almost 2 meters tall enters the room and, in a booming voice, cries: - "Gentlemen councilors, came to collect campaign promise!" Look astonished.
That figure was Francisco Ormeseze dear friend, affectionately known by the whole population of quatiguaense "Florindo" a big man 1.95 tall and 100 pounds of weight that he spoke:
- "The ladies are already for more than four months in office at City Hall and to this day have not fulfilled the promise made on the campaign trail."
Asked at the same time: - "What promise, Florindo?" He, the top of its 1.95 tall replied: - "You promised not to end the lives of street João Pessoa?" (A Rua João Pessoa was the main artery of the "Button Town"). All continued not understanding anything.
- "Who lives, Florindo?"
Laughing, the Florindo said: - "Do not say that life is a hole? For the street João Pessoa is full of them!"
The irony had the desired effect.
Measures were taken and the street received a generous layer of gravel.

Almir Aires Arruda, teacher and businessman, former councilman and founder of the city of Quatiguá

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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