sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

Stories of Paraná - The ghost of Colonel

Stories of Paraná - The ghost of Colonel

The ghost of Colonel
Joshua Fernandes Corrêa

Choppington, in Paraná, is a pleasant city, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul where mingled to native element, giving rise to a community worker and orderly.
This town has existed since the last century, when there was established the military colony of Chopim by King Pedro II and with the aim of preserving the national boundaries of the greed of Argentines and Paraguayans.
Own documents and oral iradição prove that, in the same place where today the city develops, was erected the headquarters of Cologne, under the command of Colonel San Thiago Dantas Brazilian illustrious ancestors, as the Prime Minister's parliamentary Goulart () Heels Santiago, incidentally, where they built the great dam, was also named in homage to intrepid explorer.
Was in Choppington I started, in fact, my career judge.
The house, where I reside with my family for the first, was very close to
forum, a hill of difficult access
where other houses have stood through woods somewhat dense.
For those times, it was said that this place served as a cemetery for the soldiers of the colony and therefore disregarded the purpose of holy ground, were frequent sightings of lost souls, requiring the evacuation of the area ... Son of Galician father, never gave credence to such stories, even though, deep down, do not forget the old Iberian warning: "no creo in brujas, pero hay to them, hay" ...
Months after aportei there, a strong summer morning, I was awakened by the insistent call of the maid who, pale and trembling, said to have seen a 'visage soldier "on the edge of the grove of funds.
I came to the window and, aided by the light of the full moon, I saw nothing, but she insisted:
- He tava standing right there, near the pine; was big, bearded and had sword.
When I made noise, he walked through the trees and disappeared!
I took then a flashlight and gun and went to the point indicated.
Lit to and fro, seeing nothing. Not much convinced me further in the search, I entered a few steps into the woods, then stumbling on something.
Focused the flashlight, I bent down and saw that it was a piece of slab with written words.
Joining the letters slowly and supplying the missing, could read;
remains of Captain bachelor Clemetitino San Francisco Thiago Dantas.
Orae for him.
I was suffocating heat, suddenly felt chilled and invaded by peculiar chill I crossed the body from north to south, ouriçando me every hair imaginable.
Disciplined Infant CPOR, tried not to get back into overdrive, but usually, into the house, saying it had found nothing.
Underneath the thick covered was unable to calm the unusual cold, but desarquivei funds from my unconscious prayer for the souls in purgatory, so often repeated in my former role of altar boy.
And looking forward, with eyes sprawled, awaited the dawn.

Joshua Fernandes Corrêa, retired Judge and Secretary for Administration and Legal Affairs of Ponta Grossa in 1993

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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