sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Tributes dangerous

Stories of Paraná - Tributes dangerous

Tributes dangerous
Leonardo Henrique dos Santos

It is difficult to pinpoint, the recent history of Paraná, a ruler who has resisted the temptation to have,
still living, his own name "immortalized" in any work. And if we include those who resist self-glorification, but capitulated to domestic pressures and allowed their wives virassem name daycare or something, there is very little saved us.
Even if we consider as "recent" the period since the time of Moses Lupion.
The law prohibits the governor put his own name in public works, which would be really too much, but says nothing about being honored by non-governmental institutions, though often fueled by public resources.
The practice of giving the name of the people still live as authentic works wont work "opens up, Sézamo" on the public coffers.
But also offers serious risks of creating embarrassing situations for both parties - and flatterers flattered.
When they decided to build their exhibition park in Londrina, for example, the leaders of the former Rural Society of Northern Paraná, with an eye on official aid, did not hesitate to give the name of the Governor of the season - Ney Braga, which deserved a bust in bronze at the entrance.
Some years later, needing more help to enlarge the park, faced with a problem: the governor was already Paulo Pimentel, who at least would turn up their noses at the idea of ​​giving any help to a work that glorified its predecessor, with whom he had the worst of relationships. The solution they found was to baptize "Governor Paulo Pimentel" the new wing of the same park, aimed at industrial exposure.
The denomination incidental turned into oblivion.
Which has also dropped the name of the "campus" of the University of Londrina, which was "Governor Paulo Pimentel" while he was in power, but no longer so their eternal enemy Ney Braga reached the Ministry of Education and his followers, the UEL quietly "passed a rubber" on the tribute.
The most pathetic episode, however, occurred in Maringa. Proudly, the city would inaugurate his exhibition park flatter without any authority of duty - the site would be called "Pioneer Park". But, suddenly, the deputy maringaense Haroldo Leon Peres was chosen by General Medici to rule the Paraná. A fitting tribute to the pioneers and the park was immediately forgotten renamed with
the name of maringaense that had come to the state government, even for transverse roads - was in the days of the military regime a laughable sham "indirect election" to endorse the name anointed by the dictator.
Seven months later, Leon Peres resigned the post to avoid being impeached for corruption, one of the biggest scandals of our political history. And Maringá were forced to choose a third name for the park, which became "President Costa e Silva." Has anyone died, to avoid accidents.

Leonardo Henrique Santos, journalist

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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