sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Human Tragedy

Stories of Paraná - Human Tragedy

Human tragedy
Tulio Vargas

Unable to invade São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro towards, to testify Floriano Peixoto, during the Federalist Revolution, led by the maragatos Gumercindo Saraiva were forced to retreat in the face of failures of naval revolt and internal divergence.
Withdrew the troops in three columns, to Rio Grande do Sul, seeking refuge in neighboring Republic of Uruguay.
Ceased occupation of Paraná in 1894, the loyalist forces, coming from Itararé returned to power, the state government resuming Dr. Vicente Machado.
However, the military sent.
It installed a reign of terror.
The arrests regorgitavam supporters of the cause of federalists.
Shootings followed one another in the night.
Those who did not flee, lived through the ordeal of vendetta. The Martyrdom of greatest impact occurred at kilometer 65 of the Serra do Mar, when the Baron of Serro Azul and his companions Balbino Carneiro de Mendonça; Presciliano S. Correia, José Lourenço Schleder, José Joaquim Lourenço Ferreira and Rodrigo Moura Guedes de Mattos were coldly executed on the night of May 20. Fear of reprisal was such that the bodies remained unburied for days.
Serro blue, the most important one, was forced to provide cooperation to the Federalists to prevent the looting of the city of Curitiba.
Others, like Presciliano, Mattos Guedes and Balbino offer ostensible support the revolution.
However, Schleder and José Joaquim were modest staff of Precinct Committee.
Simple bureaucrats.
When the city was occupied and settled the revolutionary government, received orders from the governor appointed, Menezes Doria, to maintain the open division and fulfill orders. Gave them no choice: obey or die.
Limited to usual practice acts, preserve the file's treasure and make the required payments. Not escape, so the fury of the winners.
José Joaquim, of course, paid by the enthusiasm of the daughters Albertina ejúüa that incorporated the invading troops provided nurses.
As masterly volunteers cared for the wounded and comforted the afflicted, winning with this gesture of gratitude revolutionaries.
Young and idealistic, understood to be paying services indicated the cause of freedom against oppression florianista government whose legitimacy opposition parties contesting.
The execution of José Joaquim was the cruelest.
In the hunt for maragatos law converted into agency chiefs, authorities hateful satraps, individual guarantees in mere fictions, the order in rampant abuse. The prisoner, in crisis of diabetes, burning with fever when he was taken from the barracks of the 17th Infantry Battalion, for the forced march to the railroad station.
Could barely stand up.
His teammates, though suspicious of the alleged trip to Paranaguá those dead hours still seemed confident.
To go down the street San Francisco hold everyone.
José Joaquim does not support the path and faints.
Take you back to the barracks, but the commander of the escort still recommends shouting: "Conduct in-car station, without fail!"
The deep conviction of innocence infused them courage.
Could face without fear, judges and laws of the Republic.
Schelder fumbled in his pockets copious documentation.
Neither Joseph Joachim, dying, or Baron, or
Presciüano Finally, none of them, in good conscience, could expect the worst.
They were wrong.
None survived the carnage of 65 km.
The daughters of Joseph Joachim, stunned and suffered came to visit periodically the site of the tragedy,
in an act of filial contribution.
Locomoviam in a rented trolley of the Railroad.
Distributed flowers and tears.
In these comings and goings, as if one were not enough drama, Albertina died tragically.
Her hair loose and long held up the trolley on wheels.
It was horrible. The other sister, Julia, died at advanced age.

Tulio Vargas, former legislator and member of the Academy of Arts Paranaense

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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