quinta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2014

Stories of Paraná - The mystical Tenorio

Stories of Paraná - The mystical Tenorio

The mystical Tenorio
Carmo Strong

Candidate for mayor of Peabiru, PR, in 1957, at a disadvantage in the polls, Eleuterio Galdino Andrade conceived a project impact to reverse this negative picture.
Aware that the majority of the electorate consisted of Northeast, concluded that only win the election if he told with this mass of migrants in their support.
That time, Tenório Cavalcanti, my father, at the height of his political career, embodied all the virtues of man and brave suffered the northeastern backlands, whose legends adorned her profile male goat, the "closed body" without fear, able to redeem the wronged and persecuted.
Appealed, then, Eleuterio loans to the late congressman and president of the regional UDN, Newton Carneiro, to intercede with the Northeast leading towards their attendance at the final rally of the campaign.
It was around the turn of the way election.
Furthermore, resided in one Peabiru Alagoas who claimed akin of Tenorio, which reinforced the possibility of his presence.
To general surprise, Tenorio accepted the invitation, accustomed to making sacrifices for their coestaduanos, although without any liability on the policy Paraná.
On the due date, all combined Newton Carneiro waited for him in Maringa, from where a tight single-engine plane to Peabiru. As soon as the plane took the makeshift dirt track Red Bomber fireworks erupted.
Was the deafening fireworks.
An incalculable crowd pressed in the square.
It seemed that the entire northern Paraná regorgitava city euphoric.
The speeches were long and inflamed. The people shown to be amazed by what he saw, the presence - live - the hero of so many political battles.
Some would even touch it to make sure it was true. The man in the black coat in the flesh.
The pilot of the plane found himself impatient with the delay of the rally, as darkening and return to Maringa could offer serious risks. The sun had set when he held off.
Tenorio beside the pilot, Bueno Neto, bodyguards and Newton Carneiro realized the temerity flying blindly. The pilot was guided by instinct.
Passengers exchanged startled looks. Not envisioned a bonfire, a beacon of car, nothing.
After a few bumps, thanks to experience Bueno Neto was possible to descend in Maringa amid dense darkness.
One of the bodyguards to disembark, livid and trembling, kissed the ground and repeated several times: "Holy terrinha never felt so missed you ..." Tenorio, visibly embarrassed by that scene, wondered if it would be worth the sacrifice.
Days later came to him the result of the election.
His charisma had worked.
Eleuterio was elected.

Carmo Cavalcanti Strong, writer and artist.

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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