sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

Stories of Paraná - A man worthy

Stories of Paraná - A man worthy

A worthy man
Valêncio Xavier

The Pontagrossense Manuel Herrington Wambier.
Wambier, as everyone called him, died on August 2 in Rio de Janeiro.
In the sixties, lived in Curitiba, was announcer Guairacá, Tingüi, Tarobá and host of the TV newscast Paraná.
It is no small thing for someone who stuttered and willpower and exercise much healed. The Wambier had to get out because of an act worthy did, but that I'll only count in the end.
Went to the river and there made a brilliant career that he could not do here because of its worthy act.
In Rio, began as an announcer of Radio Globo and reached the chief editor of the fashionable radiojornal "Your Chief Editor". In the seventies he went to Germany, working on German Radio. Stayed there seven years making radio programs for Brazil and Portugal, translation, voiceover and dubbing of films for Transtel.
Even in the seventies, back to Rio
Continues working for German radio programs doing now in German and documentaries for Transtel.
Monta recording studio sound and video documentaries and performs.
Begins to teach radio journalism at PUC-RJ, which also produces programs.
Was in PUC until his death.
But, back to Paraná. 1953 Wambier television news presenter of TV Paraná, the Associated Newspapers also maintained that the newspaper Diário do Paraná. It turns out the first strike of journalists and charts in Curitiba for better wages. The membership is full, all the newspapers stopped, including Abdo Khoury and Aref Ali Bark, directors of People's Daily, open your newspaper for journalists rotate the "Journal of the strike," edited by Samuel Guimarães da Costa. Already Diary of Paraná, the right-wing Adherbal Stresser, wants to overthrow the strike is successful and there that focus the pickets.
Adherbal Stresser calls the police and has a truck from the Fire Department, with orders from the Chief of Police, Italian Conti, trample the strikers.
Journalists Adherbal Strong Jr., Geraldo Luiz Mazza and Walmor Marcelino lie down in front of the truck.
Surprisingly, Miguel Zacarias, delegate DOPS, hillside his revolver at the head of the driver and soldier shouts, "If you move I'll kill you!"
Adherbal Stresser not gives up.
With his son Ronald and some scabs reduced running an edition of the Journal of Paraná, but the paddocks are secure and can not distribute it, nor accept journeymen.
Wambier arrives to present the Journal of Paraná on TV, on TV Paraná, the same organization, in the next building. The television was live at the time. The newspaper goes online, the first news is about the strike, version Adherbal Stresser.
Wambier think the news, look hard at the camera and says with her beautiful voice:
- This story is a lie and I refuse to read.
Lost his job at the time, you know the rest.
When I learned of the death of Wambier began to see me to tears, but I remembered all this and stopped: we do not cry for a man worthy, we smile for life.

Valêncio Xavier, writer and historian

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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