sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

Stories of Paraná - The first anvil

Stories of Paraná - The first anvil

The first anvil
Albino Giombelli

In 1960, the western region of Paraná was covered by a forest full, compact, where often it was not possible to reach on foot, and the first bites people even had to do. Colonization was beginning and many stories, some real, some not, teased the imagination of everyone, talking about crimes, ground crickets, murders in the dead of night.
Aportei this earth with the profession of blacksmith, very young, newly married, been there Concordia, Santa Catarina, like thousands of other men, mostly from Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, who came in search of a better life and, for that matter, the wealth that land could generate.
As anyone who came here then or freaked out with these stories they told, with the dangers that my wife so young and inexperienced as I was, and my future children could move here.
One day I decided to go back to Santa Catarina.
I went to my father, his Pascoal, and shared with him my decision.
I explained that it was too dangerous to live here, my wife was crying a lot, which had almost become accustomed to living in the bush.
My father did not fight me but said it would be a big mistake again, that I was young again, would fight hard in this land of opportunities.
Matutei much I decided to stay.
Upon learning of my decision, my wife cried 15 days.
But I had a project to life: in 1980, at which time the machines have already toppled trees and roots rotted on the ground, I could become a reseller of tractor for the entire region.
I settled in Palotina and prepared to wait.
Suddenly I began to see that things were changing faster than I thought.
I got to see scenes unimaginable today.
Eg, 300 bulldozers tearing down the forests, at once, day and night. We passed through the roads and those lights, the noise, the movement, and had the impression that these people were building a new world.
Much earlier than I thought, already in 1974, I became a reseller of Tractors Walmet and SLC. And for 18 years I am the biggest dealer of tractors Brazil: Mum year alone, good crop, sold 1200 tractors.
Today, when I talk to important people, Brasilia or
São Paulo, my way of speaking, with a strong Italian accent, which never left him, may even shock.
Others should imagine how a simple blacksmith as I, there Santa Catarina, arrived where I am.
Now, I feel very far from that guy up a little frightened that appeared here in 1961. The region also was not the same.
The forests disappeared, emerged the cities, buildings, progress finally.
Today, with children and grandchildren Paraná, more experience, I can say that the West was and remains a land of opportunity.
Simply we have the strength of will to work, that dreams can come true sooner than we thought.
Keep me in a place of honor in my office working, the first anvil I worked this land. And she reminds me every day, it takes a bit of perseverance and courage to overcome challenges.
Without it, not make a living, a region, much less a Country

Albino Giombelli, entrepreneur, pioneered Palotina

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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