sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2013

Stories of Paraná - Curiosity

Stories of Paraná - Curiosity

Tadeu de Souza baryon

- What the priest wears under the robe?
Every child who lived in the time that priests still wore cassock, should have asked that question at least once in life. The question occurs to me now, many years after the priests kick the religious habit, because of an advertisement displayed on television.
It showed a young priest wearing a cassock (today only thing that passes right through the head of advertising). The priest in question is with the cassock tucked up in front, to skip a puddle of water, and what appears? An unsuspected boxers slight pink color, with "for" white. And pure evil!
Badness part, I was kid at the time Mass was in Latin, the priest wore a cassock and, of course, had natural curiosity about what they wore underneath.
But that was not the biggest of my curiosities in this area involving habits and religious.
Boy eight years, late 50s, was the primary as a boarding student at the Institute St. Joseph, Abranches, the capital.
It was then a regular college, with mixed student classes internal, semi-internal and external, headed by Vincentian nuns.
At that time, in addition to
habit hulking dark blue, the Vincentian Sisters wore that kind of big hat strangest, made of starched cloth, with something like a big beak jutting forward and two wings of seagulls on the sides.
A prop which referred to the middle ages, beyond the head covering also the ears, the forehead and neck.
The general curiosity about what was there was between the skull and hat nuns.
That is, if they had hair or be completely bald. Doubt this scale came to be from time to time the prime concern of young Americans in the same way that this or that game had its right time to reign. Curiosity, corrosive as any question for which there is no response, moved the college days and weeks on end, which marked the first bell to wake up to the last day of the Hail Mary prayed at the foot of the bed in the dormitories.
Emerged passionate discussions, bets were made in this or that case, there were those who dared to bet your entire collection of figurines Zequinhas, including the award winners.
But never, at any time, there were those who invest the courage to ask a nun "after all, you have or do not have hair?"
Until amazing happened.
One afternoon, during one of the usual weekly tours of internal and internal surroundings of the school, walk, collapsed one sudden downpour.
These heavy rains and unexpected, that barely a minute passes between the first thunder and the first drops strong.
Sister Veronica, young nun and the most beloved of the college, was the one who took care of the kids on this ride.
Poor thing! When the rain started, there were no houses around, no where to look under green tree,
just a grassy paddock.
Before long, rain-soaked, starched hat nun collapsed, limp as a wet handkerchief.
And then it was seen.
Beneath the soggy hat came to see a head covered with short hair, casually cut.
Black hair. The secret was unveiled. The curiosity satisfied.
But before it had not rained that afternoon strong! First, to avoid the embarrassment of docile Sister Veronica.
And above all, to keep alive the wonder of a simple curiosity.
The pleasure of curiosity, we find then is greater than the satisfaction of such curiosity.
Made his first kiss: good, no doubt very good, but not as good as the curiosity of the first kiss.

Tadeu de Souza baryon, Cascavel, secondary teacher.

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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