terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013

Stories of Paraná - Getúlio and attorney

Stories of Paraná - Getúlio and attorney

Vargas and the lawyer
Joshua Fernandes Corrêa

In the throes of the Government led by Washington Luis (1927-1930), many atrocities were committed in order to halt the Liberal Alliance, headed by Getúlio Vargas.
Prudentópolis, at that time still living the last vestiges of the golden age of the maté, also watched the heated battle between the GOP Paranaense, headed by then-Mayor Dr. John Fleury da Rocha, and the hosts getulistas, who had the couple talented young lawyers Sagy Naked and Walkyria Moreira da Silva Naked its top leaders.
Dr. Walkyria polyglot, daughter of Antonio Paulo Moreira da Silva, first-time Republican and signer of the Constitution of 1891, although he resided in Prudentópolis kept strong ties to São Paulo, where he held the presidency of the "Paulista League Women for Progress" and "Woman Suffrage Alliance Paulista", also part of the "Triumvirate Brazilian Women Illustrated" and "Universal League for the Advancement Female American and European." It was therefore unquestionably a woman ahead of her time.
When they began to crumble the Old Republic, imported from the Rio de Janeiro such a Peter Pierre, who called himself "Detective" and that he came to Prudentópolis, assuming the Police Station, to "put things in order." His first target was the couple of bachelors who, in his thirties, promoted public meetings and darted fiery speeches, followed and applauded by most young people of the small town.
On one occasion, however, it was absent Sagy Naked City, coming to Curitiba, the snitch, giving proof of his authority, arrested Dr. Walkyria, leaving it incommunicado.
Alerted by telegraph, Sagy got a car and returned to Prudentópolis, reaching almost a day later, but driving up immediately to the Police Station.
Ali, after violent argument, Sagy decided to free his wife on their own, taking her by the hands and looking for the exit, at which Peter Pierre, seconded by Amancio cable and other po-liciais, fired their weapons without any pity.
Sagy cowardly killed and his wife injured, the body was still in the first few hours in front of the police station, under heavy rain, until some aüancistas, overcoming fear, come to the site and to ensure carregassem.
A few weeks later, knocked Washington Luís, assumed a Provisional Government.
Vargas, the top leader, was already in Ponta Grossa, waiting for the moment to take the reins of power.
It was then, according to the witness Pontagrossense Cesar Ribas da Silva, in testimony on the Revolution 30, which Getúlio Vargas, this deponent, then-Col.
Tourinho Pliny and others, turned to the young and bland follower, still amargava the brutal death of her husband telling him:
- Dr. Walkyria, Inter-ventoria Paraná is yours.
Is in your hands.
In response, Walkyria demurred, but asked that Vargas was appointed Public Prosecutor to punish those who killed Sagy. Warlord of the pampas, hearing it, would have answered:
- Consider sworn!
And, in sequence, addressing
Pliny sent this to warn his brother Mario Tourinho, the Army Reserve, so that it assumed the post of intervenor.
The lawyer and feminist leader who could have changed the course of history of Paraná, as head of the state government, became, however, an early Promoting Justice of the country.

Joshua Correa Fernandes, former mayor of Prudentópolis is retired Judge

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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