terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013

Stories of Paraná - The sword unbeaten

Stories of Paraná - The sword unbeaten

The sword unbeaten
Tulio Vargas

The Federalist Revolution or War of Woodpeckers and Maragatos, as would be known, was the most tragic history of South America. One hundred years ago that erupted in Rio Grande do Sul, spreading the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná. Initially aimed at dislodging the state government Julio de Castillos.
Vi rou-up then against Floriano Peixoto, encastelado as dictator for constitutional violation, according to the opposition at the time.
Troops federalists, who threatened the foundations of the Republic, were commanded by Gumercindo Saraiva, unusual warrior, born in Brazil, created in Uruguay, capable of feats comparable to Napoleon Crossing the Alps, San Martin winning the Andes, Bolívar, Aníbal or Alexander.
With an army unprepared volunteers improvised mixture of haughtiness des fear, mischief and spirit of adventure, inspired them "pelear" at any price.
Were maragatos.
In the wake of the fighting against Florianistas were committed, on both sides, the greatest atrocities. It seemed not a conventional civil war. The torture of sticking became the rule.
The excesses of the Federalists responded with the same methods loyalists.
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
This primitive practice frightened and defenseless populations overtook Gumercindo, commander-in-chief of the invading troops, hates Republicans. And as history is written by the winners, it was reputed to outlaw ...
However, it was not so.
Testimonials of their enemies, contemporary tragedy, absolve him of his sins.
Just read "Days Kinslayer" by Bernardino Bormann, "The Consolidation of the Republic", JB Magalhaes, "The Revolution of 1893 - Memories" by José Cândido da Silva Murky; "Dictionary / History and Geography Paranaense" by Ermelino Augustine Lion, and others to recover the true image of the famous warlord.
Bernardino Bormann, general, he faced the column federaHsta of Juca Tiger in the region of Palmas, wrote: "There is no doubt that Gumercindo bore up well with the prisoners.
Many of his men not imitated. "
When the occupation of Curitiba in 1894, it was he who restrained the warring impulses of his charges.
Still, there abuse.
Plundered Paranaense Museum, its director of Ermelino
Leo complained Gumercindo embezzlement of more than two hundred pieces of gold and silver, commendations and other objects of historical value.
- It is the second time that the museum is looted, General. Already it was last year, no one could figure out the author, and now back to being stolen by soldiers of Your Excellency.
- And that providence advise me? - Replied Gumercindo in your language Spanish-Portuguese.
- The coins, in fact general, will not be easy, but the commendations, maybe ...
- Doctor, this subject is painful for me.
Tell me, to compensate, would not hurt my sword?
- But general ...
- For stay there with her and your sorry little value! ...
Contrary to the historical version, "was a kind human and social unparalleled emulator of Canabarro in military capability, bizarre attitudes as Antonio Neto, ie the temerity brave, generous in victory and balanced in adversity."
He died in Carovi, Rio Grande do Sul, to withdraw his column in search of exile.
The loyalists dug up her corpse, cut off his head, taking it as a trophy of ajúlio Castillos.
This horrified, refused to accept the award macabre.

Tulio Vargas, former deputy, member of the Academy of Arts Paranaense

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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