terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013

Stories of Paraná - malaria and confusion

Stories of Paraná - malaria and confusion

Malady and confusion
Néia Joaquim Oliveira

In these times where new cities are created by four to three, at the whim of political injunctions, is nonetheless curious story of the Holy Spirit Itararé, created in April 1900 by the River Itararé pioneer in the north, and only extinguished 8 years later, although experience a reasonable progress.
It turns out that an outbreak of malaria has totally transformed the dreams of its inhabitants. The population terrified witness to the precious lives were decimated by the terrible epidemic, met with city officials and together they decided to move the county seat to a village that thrived elsewhere in the territory, under the name of Ribeirão Claro.
With the support of the region's deputy, Emilio R. Gomes was not difficult to approve state law creating the new municipality, whose installation took place in 1908, resulting in the dissolution of the Holy Spirit Itararé.
The new city grew fast. The exuberance of their lands attracted the interest of farmers and miners in São Paulo, which in turn brought a large number of Japanese immigrants and Italians, to start the coffee cycle in northern Paraná.
The creation of the district was one result of this progress, with the appointment of the first Judge, the bachelor Eudoro Cavalcante de Albuquerque, who remained in the District 19 years, becoming even political leader in the city.
As far as something else were easy to explain paying attention to the relationship of Eudoro: he was married to a sister of Afonso Camargo (grandfather of the current Senator "Afonsinho"), the most influential politician would be twice governor of the state.
This situation has created a climate of embarrassment among the residents. And the consequences were not slow to hatch.
At an election in 1917, three people were killed in the precincts of the full electoral session, and later, a doctor also fell lifeless while it experienced trail in the company of the parish priest.
Left up to the priest, who was hit in an arm by a bullet.
The climax of this state of things will happen a few years later, when the engineer José Moreira Lima Kennitz, coffee farmer, was elected mayor in 1924. Their adversaries approve, through the Town Hall, a law revoking the mandate of the mayor, for having been absent from the city for more than seven days without a license.
Upon hearing, the mayor impeached returns to the municipality, includes 200 armed goons until the teeth, take the city, close to City Hall and resumes by force.
However, with the possession of Afonso Camargo in the state government for a second term in 1928, was given the displacement of a platoon of military police to "restore order". In the bargain, the government appoints the citizen Pedro Ivo Marques to hold the position of mayor.
Afonso Camargo would have the "change" in 1930, when the revolutionary movement led by Getúlio Vargas. The mayor "impeached" Moreira Lima, who will engage in this movement, as soon as he found himself victorious, with the deposition of the governor and Washington Luiz Afonso Camargo again takes robbery Prefecture, dismisses the pre-done-intervenor and promotes tenacious persecution against Judge Your Honor, that leaves the city, New contingent of military police is displaced by order of the intervening State, Gen. Mario Tourinho again to restore order.
Néia Joaquim de Oliveira is a former mayor and former MP for Ribeirao Claro.

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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