terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013

Stories of Paraná - The intervenor and speech

Stories of Paraná - The intervenor and speech

The intervenor and speech
Celso Antonio Rossi

In the early '40s, the Paraná was ruled by a Interventor, name given to the leaders of the States appointed by the dictator Getúlio Vargas, in the period of the "New State". Manoel Ribas was his name.
Good and simple man, he was known as "Maneco Machete" because, they said, where he spent "cut" irregularities and wasteful expenditure.
At the same time, he was mayor dejacarezinho Dr. John Aguiar, agronomist respected by all because of his integrity and the love he had for the city that ran.
I ile Manoel Ribas and maintained a solid friendship, which enabled the constant presence of the state in Interventor small country town.
For it was even with the strong support of Manoel Ribas and the extraordinary vision of John Aguiar Jacarézinho had the privilege of being the first city in Paraná (maybe even Brazil) to have their exposure Thursday, those that now exist in profusion the country helping with agriculture, livestock, commerce and industry.
This first (and only) exposure took place Monday in 1941, a continuation of the old Negro River Street (now Rosário Street), near the place that later became known as Vila Ema.
Manoel Ribas and John Aguiar together, untied the ribbon and opened with a huge crowd for the time, toured the sheds visiting all facilities, hearing each exhibitor a bit of its history.
A tiring day, but that could not be avoided.
After all, the night comes and comforting dinner awaits the illustrious visitor, already worried about the long and tiring journey by dirt road that awaited him, lost a bit of the mood of the day.
End of dinner, and with unfailing coffee being served, Manoel Ribas surreptitiously strip "pocket" and certainly watch calculates the time you come to the state capital. Have not disguise a certain air of impatience, even boredom.
It, right next to a local political leader rises with a tome of sheets of paper in hand, scaring the Interventor that covertly asks:
- What's this, my
- And speaking of thanks that'll do, Excellence.
Manoel Ribas feel that this is the moment, torn between doing or not doing, resolutely hands of the speaker starts the dozens of sheets composing the speech and embracing him said, in a voice volume heard by those who were closest:
- Well, my friend, do not worry, I even read the speech on the return trip! ...

Celso Antonio Rossi's lawyer, Dean of the Faculty of Law of the State Pioneer North in Jacarézinho.

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

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